平行展《迎光 Enlight》1
Curating: 沈伯丞
Artist: 吳燦政、沈昭良、邱昭財、陳乂、陳萬仁、彭一航、鍾順龍
In all the creation stories, the world starts from the moment when the “light” was born. Thus, aesthetics is the act of humans trying to pursue “Auro” through artistic creation. The exhibition “ENLIGHT” attempts to explore the essence of the aesthetics experience of “light” through different interpretations from artists. In which they present the aesthetics shape of “light” that invite viewers to delve into the relationship between the spirit of “light” and the creativity of art.
Shen Chao-Liang’s “Stage” series, Chung Soon-Long's “Stardust” series and Peng Yi-Hang’s “Noise” show distinct aspects of photography in different generations. The “Stage” series, a documentary photography focuses on the unmanned Taiwanese Electric Flower Cars, refines the contradictive moment that is fully worldly yet transcends human spirit at the same time. “Stardust” is a galaxy composed by raindrops. In artist’s sensibility, the rain scene reconstitutes into a starry sky that only belongs to images. “Dark Light” forms its own image manifestation as the photosensitive element continues to heat up, emerging the spiritual transcendence of “suprematism.”
The mechanical installations created by artists Chiu Chao-Tsai and Chen Yi outline the dynamics and sculptural nature of light. Chiu Chao-Tsai’s works point to the physical relationship between “light” and “time,” and also serves as a metaphor in abstract thinking. Chen Yi's “Reproduction of Nature-Taiwan AI Digital Landscape” is re-translated into nature in the mechanical movement of “light”, reappearing the metaphor in the creation myth that “light” is the first creation.
Contemporary digital interface constitutes the “new reality” of light and image. Wu Tsan-Cheng's “Taiwan Sound Map project” is programmed to become an invisible existence reverberating in the environment, reflecting the natural scene of Taiwan in the image. Chen Wan-jen's “Eigengrau” transforms the contemporary Internet into an immersive, leisurely and waving sea. When the “light” became the “media” that radiated information, mankind turned from looking up at the light beyond the sky to looking down at the light of technology and media.